Wednesday 7 August 2013

Liebster Award | I've been nominated - YAY!

Bit of an exciting one today, I've been nominated for the Liebster Award! A great big thank you to the lovely Amy from Amyyyyl for my nomination, I appreciate it so so much. I would definitely recommend checking out her blog.
The purpose of the Liebster Award is to give recognition to people just like myself who are new to the blogging world and have less than 200 followers,
The rules for this award are as follows: 
1. Answer the 11 questions that were asked by the blogger than nominated you and then share 11 random facts about yourself
2. Choose 5 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award on to
3. Create 11 questions for them to answer on their blog
4. Visit their blog and tell them about their nomination!
Here are my answers to the questions Amy asked her nominees, enjoy!
1.If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
In all honesty I love living in Newcastle. If british weather wasn’t so terrible most of the time, I could quite happily live here for the rest of my life. I love the people that live here and most of all my family and friends that live here. But, if I could move anywhere and take my whole family and all of my friends with me I would probably live somewhere like Florida where the sun is mostly shining because I am certainly happier when the sun has got his hat on and is coming out to play!
2. How long have you been blogging?
Since the beginning of May, so about 3 months.
3. How would you describe yourself in 5 words?
Fun, friendly, bubbly, sarcastic, dippy.
4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
In all honesty I have no idea. Hopefully I’ll have a successful career in the events industry, maybe I’ll be married by then? I’d like to think I’ll have travelled more and seen a lot the world.
5. What do you enjoy most about your morning/make-up routine and why?
I think applying mascara is my favourite part of my makeup routine. I love watching my eyelashes transform and become much longer and thicker. My eyes look far more bright and awake when I’ve wacked a shed load of mascara onto my lashes.
6. Do you have a moto in life that you try to live by?
To be honest I just try and live for the moment. When I spend too long over thinking plans I’m often let down, but if I act spontaneously and just say yes to things I tend to have a lot more fun and I am therefore happier.
7. Who is your celebrity crush?
Ooh, do I have to pick just one?! Proudlock from Made in Chelsea is a bit of alright. Then there’s the obvious choices like Ryan Gosling and David Beckham. Any man with facial hair and tattoos will do.
8. Do you have any hobbies? What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
I’m quite boring in the sense that I don’t really have any hobbies. I used to dance, and I’d love to get back into it but I just struggle to find the time. Hopefully when I go to University I’ll join some societies to entertain me.
9. What's your pet peeve?
People who always have to be worse off than you. I hope this makes sense but you know those people that you tell something to and they’ve always had the same happen to them but it was so much worse, or even when you’re really happy about something but they then have to make out the same thing happened to them but it was so so much better? Yeah, that.
10. What languages do you speak?
Although I wish I could speak more than this, I can only speak fluent English.
11. What do you love most about blogging/your blog?
I love the interaction and inspiration that comes with blogging. It makes me so happy whenever I get a comment on something and I can honestly spend hours and hours reading other peoples posts and getting inspiration from them.
11 random facts about me:
  1. Mexican food is my absolute favourite, mmm.
  2. I have one tattoo. It is a feather on the back of my neck.
  3. In September I will be moving to Manchester.
  4. My favourite non alcoholic beverage is Ribena. (Not the kind you dilute yourself, I’m talking the type you get in cartons)
  5. This year is the first year in my life that I haven’t had a summer holiday.
  6. I want to have a career in organising either music/fashion/theatre events.
  7. I currently work as a bra lady (bra fit consultant).
  8. I don’t like any kind of hot drink, not even hot chocolate.
  9. I’m always attracted to older guys.
  10. I have a very wide range of taste in music, from heavy rock to pop to R&B.
  11. My family are extremely important to me and I honestly don’t know how I am going to cope living in a different city to them.
Who do I nominate?
I have two nominations. I know I’ve cheated a bit here but I only have two recommendations. I think I (kind of) makeup for it though as I strongly believe these blogs deserve more recognition and I absolutely love reading what these girlies post. SO, I nominate the beautiful:
-          Vicky Kim from Elegant & Loud
-          Kitty from Kitty Hearts
PLEASE go and check these blogs out, you won’t regret it J
My questions to you:
1.       What would be your dream holiday destination?
2.       What is your favourite season?
3.       Do you prefer birthdays or Christmas?
4.       What is your favourite food?
5.       Why did you start blogging?
6.       What is your favourite beauty product?
7.       What is your favourite high street store?
8.       What is your favourite physical feature of yourself?
9.       What quality do you find most attractive in others?
10.   What's one thing in your closet you couldn't live without?
11.   What is your number one song on iTunes?
Again I want to thank Amy for nominating me. It really cheered me up to see I had been recognised by someone out there and has gave me a well needed boost to continue with my blog. Thank you thank you thank you!
Love Hannah

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